
Thursday, May 12, 2011

It takes a village.

It takes a village to raise a child. I have never really bought into this logic. In my opinion, it takes a parent (or two...) to raise a child. It's kind of a "don't bite off more than you can chew" type of philosophy. If you need a village to help you raise your kid, you probably should not venture into parenthood. But I'm starting to change my tune....
I really do believe it does take a village. But that statement requires a give and take. If I am going to accept your help in raising my children, I need to be willing to step in and help you raise yours. I have recently tried to focus more on 'letting go'. If you know anything about me, you know I tend towards being a bit of a control freak. I prefer to just do things myself rather than bothering anyone else to help me. But I've noticed as I start to relinquish a little bit of my control, life actually starts to get a little easier rather than getting more difficult. I've always felt a little bit of guilt when I leave my kids with someone else so I can get some things done without them. But I'm starting to feel more and more freedom as I allow myself to do this type of thing.
So, maybe it doesn't necessarily take a village to raise a child. But it definitely takes a village to be a sane, well-rounded parent.
Thanks to all of you who reside in my 'village'. I couldn't do this without you.