
Monday, November 7, 2011

Whose standards?

Do you ever stop and think about the things you expect your kids to do??  So often, I have these expectations for my kids..... I want them to do this, or I think they should be doing that...
One thing I feel that I've done pretty well at as a parent is not comparing my kids to other peoples kids. I don't think I've ever really compared my children's development to that of other kids their age. I am completely aware of the fact that kids don't progress at the same rate and therefore other kids will be doing things my kids aren't and my kids will do things that other kids aren't. That's life. And I'm ok with that.  30 years from now, they will not be basing their successes and failures on how soon they were potty-trained or if they took a dance class or when they learned to write their name or if they always colored within the lines or how easily they were able to walk up the stairs. Because 30 years from now, they won't be wearing diapers, they will dance however their heart tells them to dance, they will be able to write their name with their eyes closed, they will be watching their own children color outside the lines and they will be taking 2 or 3 steps at a time.
But it became very apparent to me this week what I have not done so well. God really knocked me over the head about the fact that I sometimes expect unrealistic things. I have these preconceived notions about what I want my girls to do (things they should be interested in, activities they should want to do, places they should want to go.... you get the idea). I get so caught up in what I want my girls to be doing, that I totally miss out on what they are actually doing.
I don't want to miss out on that stuff!!  Children are incredibly intelligent. And they have amazing imaginations. And we have to let them use these minds the good Lord has given them and allow these little people develop into the big people they will someday (too soon) become.
I will admit it... I am a hovering mom. I have this overwhelming need to be involved in everything my kiddos are doing. But, man! When I am able to yank myself away and just let them be, it's so amazing to just watch them be. Be whatever they want to be.

Dear Lord, thank you for entrusting these little lives to my care. I know I am not capable of doing this job on my own, but with Your help, I promise to do my very best to raise them up in a way that is pleasing to You. Please help me to focus on the little things in their lives. Because sometimes those are the big things!! And these moments are fleeting.... one of these days, I am going to blink and when I open my eyes, these toddlers will be adults. When that day comes, I don't want to look back and regret missing the little things because I was way too focused on the "big" things.    AMEN

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