
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Getting out is good for the spirit

Some days are harder than others. Some days it takes all the energy i have just to get up and fix everyone breakfast (and by "fix breakfast" i mean pour the cereal or open the poptarts). On those days, showering and changing out of my jammies comes later in the day... much later.
But the days that I am forced to motivate myself early can be so rewarding. Today I actually managed to get out of bed and showered before the girls had a chance to come wake me up!  We had a friend coming over to play and everyone was excited about it! Since we were up and around anyway, I decided to take the kids to story time at the library.  It sounded like such a good idea at the time. The kids were super pumped about the idea and I was super proud of myself for actually taking the time to do something with my kids besides playing babies and watching movies.   But i quickly started to question my decision when everything started going downhill as soon as we started getting ready. And by downhill, I mean my girls screaming over every little thing that didn't go their way. Jada didn't want to wear shoes, Eden wanted to sit in a different car seat, Jada wanted to sit where Eden was sitting... the list goes on and on and it was all accompanied by tears. I'm not gonna lie, if the friend would not have been with us, I would have bailed. We all would have gotten out of the car and sat in time out for about 8 hours.  Thank you Mr. D for saving us all from my split-second, emotions-based decision making!! Because we had a great time at the library...  we got to meet Professor Snoozy and all his friends, listen to a story, play with puppets, and make bookmarks. And all 3 kids got to bring home a book and a movie. Life doesn't get better than that, does it?? And guess what... we ALL came home in a better mood (even Mommy!!)
(do you like how i managed to find a picture that hid "mr. friend" since i didn't ask his mom if it was ok to identify him??  i was pretty proud of myself)  :)

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