
Saturday, January 22, 2011


OK... I know this is going to sound cheesy (because it certainly used to always sound that way to me when I would hear other people tell these stories) but it's a true story, so I feel it needs to be said....
On those lonely nights when I was awake, it was just me and Jada rocking our sadness away. But there was always somebody else in the room with us. Jada seemed to sleep a little better with noise in the room, so we keep her radio on 24 hours a day. And her radio is always tuned to WBCL. That radio station came through for me more in those dark months than any human being ever did. When I was at my breaking point, a song would come on or a pastor would speak words that just completely calmed my heart. It would remind me that my life is worth it. I can keep on chuggin'... and continue to try to work things out in this little life of mine.
My life was super hazy during this season and I could barely keep my mind clear long enough to get through the basic tasks of life, let alone to expend extra energy to spend any sort of time in the Word.
But in these quiet moments in the rocking chair, listening to that radio, I was able to feel God's presence and Love in my life more clearly than I ever had before.
So it has to be said.... Thank you, WBCL, for your ministry. I am so thankful that the Lord is able to work in and through you to reach so many broken people. Prior to finding this radio station, my opinion of Christian radio was, well, not so good. But I truly believe this station is different.... They've touched a lot of lives. Mine is one of them.

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